Monday, August 17, 2009

Bigger Family means...


Since we couldn't fit three car seats in either my CRV or Branden's truck and driving two cars everywhere was out of the question it was time to get a new car.

So in all of our spare time (ha ha) we went out and bought ourselves a new car. Well actually it's a "pre-owned" certified 2006 Honda Pilot.

The folks down at Long Beach Honda made it a super easy transaction. We highly recommend them!

The kids absolutely LOVE the car!


Frances said...

Congrats on the new Summers-mobile! I love the color :)

5chamberlins said...

Congrats - love the new car!!! It was SO cute to see all 3 kiddos all cozy in a row :o)

Annie said...

can I trade? That was the color I wanted when I bought mine but they were all sold out for the year! You will enjoy your Pilot a lot!

The Beard Family of 5 said...

I love the new blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The picture is absolutely priceless!